In Ground Trampolines

Capital In Ground Trampolines are the strongest, most durable In Ground Trampolines on the market.

Our TDU® Vented Pads mean they also has the best bounce. (Officially tested by our Swedish Trampoline Engineers!)


Rectangle trampolines have a more even and stable bounce across the trampoline, perfect for gymnastics and flips and tricks!
17ft x 10ft  C-Sport Inground Trampoline Kit 17ft x 10ft  C-Sport Inground Trampoline Kit

17ft x 10ft C-Sport Inground Trampoline Kit

Was $3,095 Now $2,995
Temporarily out of stock Call us for expected stock dates Temporarily out of stock Call us for expected stock dates
14FT X 10FT 14ft X 10ft Capital Inground Trampoline

14FT X 10FT14ft X 10ft Capital Inground Trampoline

Was $2,545 Now $2,445
In stock Ready to ship
11ft X 8ft  Capital Inground Trampoline 11ft X 8ft  Capital Inground Trampoline

11ft X 8ft Capital Inground Trampoline

Was $2,235 Now $2,135
In stock Ready to ship Pre order

Back in stock 25th April


A round in ground trampoline will always give the best bounce in the middle of the trampoline.
14ft  Round Capital In Ground Trampoline 14ft  Round Capital In Ground Trampoline

14ft Round Capital In Ground Trampoline

Was $2,335 Now $2,235
Temporarily out of stock Call us for expected stock dates Temporarily out of stock Call us for expected stock dates
12ft  Round Capital Inground Trampoline 12ft  Round Capital Inground Trampoline

12ft Round Capital Inground Trampoline

Was $2,235 Now $2,135
In stock Ready to ship Temporarily out of stock Call us for expected stock dates

Install it yourself, or use a local landscaper...

What's that you say? Bring it on? Installation is easier than you might think!

Our unique bowl-shaped design and built in retaining wall means less excavation than other brands! Most of our customers install the trampoline themselves as this kit is designed for DIY installation.

Watch installation video

Groundwork not your thing?
We've got your back.

It's easy to find a local landcaper. They’ll be in and out in a day or two and leave your trampoline perfectly jump ready. So you can put your feet up and relax.

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What are the benefits of an in ground trampoline?

Safer. In ground trampolines are generally safer than normal trampolines because they're flush-to-the-ground not raised above the ground accessed by a ladder. Parents have peace of mind when they let their kids loose on an in ground trampoline. There's no worrying about young children falling off the ladder or remembering to zip themselves in.

Statistically, most serious trampoline accidents happen when children fall through an open zip/damaged net or fall off while climbing up the ladder to access the trampoline. These risks are negated with an in ground trampoline.

They look amazing! In ground trampolines are designed to work with your garden design unlike traditional trampolines which can be an eye-sore in a garden. Above ground trampolines take up a significant amount of space and are immediately visible in a garden. For those conscious about the presentation and look of their backyard, this is a significant drawback. This is not a problem with inground trampolines as their lower profile makes them less obvious, or indeed hard to spot at all - they easily blend in with the surrounding landscape.

Freedom to play, more fun. Kids can run on and off the trampoline at will and play many more creative games. There's no net or platform to interfere with their enjoyment. Parents need not supervise as much as issues of 'getting on' and 'getting off' the trampoline are removed.

No fear of being enclosed. Young kids sometimes get frightened being zipped inside a net away from their mom or dad. An inground allows parents and children to interact more - mom and dad can stay in close contact at all times.

Better bounce. The trampoline frame is buried firmly in the ground allowing no movement of the frame. On a traditional trampoline energy can be dissipated as the frame moves a little when you bounce. This does not occur on an in ground trampoline resulting in a better quality bounce.

Quieter. Ingrounds are less noisy because the frame (which can squeak) is buried underground and the retaining wall keeps the frame very rigid. Trapped air escapes silently through the pads.

Lower maintenance cost. In ground trampolines cost less to maintain if you do not have a net which is the most frequently required and costly replacement part.

Less damage risk. In-ground trampolines eliminate the possibility of damage occurring because your trampoline cannot be blown away in high winds.

Great for parents. Climbing up a small ladder and through a small zip can be somewhat off-putting for an adult. It's much easier to just walk onto the trampoline. You'll love it!.

Are in-ground trampolines expensive?

They need not be and with the new range of Capital In-ground trampolines, they are now more affordable than ever. If you're prepared to do the groundworks yourself (i.e. dig a hole), then the only cost is the Capital In-ground Trampoline Kit.

Our kits include everything you need - a top specification trampoline designed specifically for in-ground installation, retaining wall and vented surround pads for a superb bounce and no 'pad slap' noise.

Is the bounce quality as good as a traditional trampoline?

It all depends which design of inground trampoline you choose, it's all about the air flow! Letting trapped air below the trampoline easily escape so that it does not affect your bounce is the most important thing. The Capital In-ground trampolines have the best airflow system on the market due to it's unique TDU vented pads. The large air holes in the high density foam padding allow air to escape from under the trampoline just like a traditional above ground trampoline. Combine this airflow system with all the commercial-grade materials we use means you'll bounce even better than on a traditional trampoline!

What is 'pad slap' noise and how do you prevent it?

When you bounce on a trampoline, the air underneath needs somewhere to escape. On an inground trampoline the only place for the trapped air to be expelled is through the springs and under the safety surround pad. The trapped air can force the pads up which then slap down against the trampoline mat. This noise can be loud and off putting - pad slap noise has even been known to cause neighbourly disputes!

This is where the Capital Inground Trampoline comes to your rescue as the unique airflow system means all pad slap noise is eliminated!

Can I install an in-ground trampoline myself?

The Capital In-ground range of trampolines have been designed specifically with DIY in mind. The Capital Inground kits come complete with everything you need - that's the frame, the retaining wall, springs, bounce mat and vented pads.

Easy to use instructions are provided and telephone/email help is always available from our qualified staff.

What tools and equipment do I need to dig my own hole?

If you're feeling energetic, all you need is a spade, pick-axe, wheelbarrow and plenty of muscle-power. It would typically take two people one day to hand dig a hole for a 10ft or 12ft trampoline in average soil conditions.

For the larger size trampolines you can speed up the process by hiring an excavator, although make sure you receive the correct training before attempting to use this yourself!

What size skip do I need to remove my soil?

Surprisingly you need a bigger skip than you think - soil expands up to three times when it's taken out of the ground, beware! For most size trampolines, we recommend using an 8 yard skip (that's a skip that holds 8 cubic metres of soil). If possible try and find a skip that it comes with a fold-down front to allow you to easily wheelbarrow the soil into the skip.

You could use two smaller skips, say 6 yard skips, that have a lower end (about 2ft) to make it easier for you to make a ramp up over the end in order to deposit the soil. Skip sizes do vary in shape and size, so do make sure you can easily ramp up to the skip or make sure it has a fold-down front.

You can also consider using a grab-lorry to remove your excess soil, this can be cheaper and easier for you. Simply put the soil on your driveway (on protective boards or tarpaulin if possible) and the grab lorry will pick the soil with its extendable grab arm.

How else can I dispose of soil to save money?

Many people keep their soil in their garden and create a feature nearby. This could just be a simple mound for the kids to play on or for example you could make some raised flower beds with railway sleepers or fill in a low area in your garden.

You could even create a 'doughnut' around the perimeter of your trampoline.

Will the hole fill up with water and do I need some form of drainage?

The answer to this depends on the type of soil in your garden. If it's sandy soil this should drain well and no water will collect under the trampoline and generally you need not worry about drainage.

If however you have clay or chalky soil then rain water can collect in the bottom of the pit. It's advisable to put a simple soak-away in the very bottom of the hole you have dug. This is a simple task and usually sufficient to provide sufficient drainage for you. See next FAQ below.

If you're looking to dig your trampoline into the ground where it's particularly wet, liable to flooding or you have a high water table, you should contact a drainage expert who can advise on the best solution. Typically this could be to dig in drainage channels away from the hole to a lower level in your garden.

If you have any doubt about drainage issues or having a high water table, then we strongly recommend you dig a trial hole 3ft deep and wait 24 hours to see if water collects in the trial hole.

How do I build a soak-away?

Unless you're confident that your ground will drain well, it's a good idea to build a simple soak-away to allow rain water to drain into the ground and not collect at the bottom of your hole. It's easy and not expensive to do this and does not take long to construct. For a simple, cost effective DIY soak-away, just follow the instructions below.

1. Dig a new hole at the bottom of the main hole about 2ft (60cms) in diameter and about 2ft (60cms) in depth.

2. Line the hole with a permeable weed membrane (available at most DIY stores) and fill with scalpings, shingle or just crushed hardcore. The membrane will stop the hole silting up and allow water to collect and drain properly.

3. Finally wrap the membrane over the top of the hardcore/shingle/scalpings and lay some slabs on top to seal the top. You now have a very effective soak-away.

How much space around the trampoline should I allow?

If you're not using a net then you should try to allow 6 feet around the perimeter of the trampoline. For in-ground trampolines, there is a more of tendency for children to run or fall off the side of the trampoline as there is no drop to put them off, so you should ideally make sure there are no hazards such as low height brick walls or concrete fence posts nearby. You can always put protective cladding over any potential hazards for added safety. If you are using a net you can allow less space around the sides - common sense applies!

Can I use a safety net with an in-ground trampoline?

The Capital In-ground Trampolines have been designed to make it easy to use a safety net if you wish. The enclosure poles fit directly into the top of the frame and a top rod and high quality net provide you with added security should you wish.

The enclosure system is an optional extra which can be purchased with the Capital In-ground Kit. It's easy to assemble and take down. You may decide to start with a net if you have younger children with a view of taking it down as they get older.

Do I need a cover for my in-ground trampoline?

Our general advice is to only cover your trampoline in the depths of winter or if you're going away for any length of time. Our trampolines are fully weather-proof and you do not want to put up any barrier to letting your kids enjoy the trampoline. Trampolining is just as fun on a cold, crisp winter's morning as it is in the summer. In winter, you'll especially want to encourage your kids to get some exercise outside away from the TV!

Can I move my in ground trampoline?

Yes, if you have a Capital In-ground Trampoline, it's very easy to lift the whole frame and wall out of the ground, remove the retaining wall panels and disassemble the trampoline. The hole can then be filled in again to leave the area as it was before.

This is useful if you move to a new house or when your children get to an age when they have other interests outside trampolining.

What warranty do you offer on the Capital In Ground Trampoline Kit?

We provide a 10 year warranty on the frame and wall, 5 years on the mat and springs and 2 years on the vented pads. The warranty covers manufacturing defects incurred in the normal use of the trampoline. Damage incurred through normal wear & tear, damage caused by misuse of the trampoline or accidental damage are not covered under warranty.

Why we're the best on the market?

Capital In Ground Trampolines are by far the highest specification sunken trampoline on the market and we are constantly making improvements to the design as new technologies become available. We have been the global leading supplier and manufacturer of sunken trampolines for a number of years now and so have a wealth of knowledge and experience, which we are always happy to pass on to our customers in order to help you make the right decision on which trampoline would be most suitable for you.

We are also very experienced installers of our in ground trampolines and offer help and advice throughout our website, through our blog or over the phone.

All the key features of the trampolines have been designed to a high specification, from the extra long 8.5” galvanised steel springs to the heavy-duty galvanised trampoline frame.

The trampolines have been designed with minimal soil disposal in mind, which helps to keep costs down in terms of installation and comes with full, detailed instructions, all of which can be downloaded from our website. We are also always happy to offer help and advice over the phone if you should need it.

Our range also comes with a large range of safety enclosure options, including half nets, full nets, side nets and corner nets (specifically on the rectangular trampolines).

Our unique vented safety padding system

The Capital In Ground Trampoline Kit was the first purpose built trampoline to sit completely flush with the ground, other purpose built trampoline kits either sat just slightly above the ground (which can be a trip hazard) or the jump mat area sits just below the ground and the pads, which again has safety implications in terms of getting feet caught when jumping between the mat and the pads.

Other flush to the ground trampolines have been designed like this to allow trapped air below the trampoline to escape, to avoid “pad slap” noise. The Capital In Ground Trampoline kit has solved this issue by having special vented pads, which allow the air to escape up between the springs and literally through the safety padding. This allows air to pass through the actual jump-mat itself therefore removing this issue of resistance against trapped air, giving a better bounce.